

 If you are suffering from respiratory issues due to poor indoor air quality, you have come to the right place. If you are on this page, chances are that you are looking for ways to clean your indoor air and avoid your respiratory issues. In this article, we are going to share with you a couple of expert tips that may help you find the right solution to your problem. If you follow these methods and tips, chances are that your problem will be resolved to some degree if not completely. Read on to find out more. Although there are many ways to identify the source of indoor air pollution and find ways to resolve your problem, the best way is to make sure your home is ventilated. Given below are some of the steps that can be followed to reduce the number of irritants in the air in your house. 1. Keep your Windows Open First of all, you should make it a habit to keep some of your windows open for a couple of hours during the day or night. The idea is to prevent air pollutants from getting t


 The inescapable pleasure of enjoying a contemporary seascape painting is something that attracts many of us who enjoy nature and the sea. Having a lovely original artwork of the sea to enjoy and being able to look at it when you feel like it is art ownership at its best. The seascape painting can express the beautiful qualities of the sea, its light, atmosphere and moods throughout the year. Looking out over the shore is a wonderfully affirming and peaceful experience. It captures your attention and lets you reflect on the wild beauty of nature, making you pause and reflect upon yourself. The continuous movement of the elements has a calming and refreshing quality. Its patterns and rhythms are also visually beautiful. The quality of light you find by the seashore can give you different feelings and atmospheres that can be expressed through fine art. There is a great deal of visual variety and changes you can see from day to day on the beach. The seascape painting can capture the feeli


 It happens to all creative personality types. One day you wake up and feel as if you can' t think of one more creative thing. Some people call this a "creative dry spell." Writers may call it "writer's block." In any case, it means that you're having trouble becoming creative when you need to be. But you can overcome and even leverage a creative dry spell and come out on top. Disconnect for a While If you use a lot of technology, watch TV a lot, or are otherwise using screens a lot, the best thing to do while you're having a creative dry spell is to disconnect. Turn off the notifications, turn off the TV, and don't answer your phone. Sometimes being bored is a huge catalyst for creativity. Change Your Scenery If you're indoors, get outdoors. If you're outdoors, go indoors. Not only will you fill your mind with new and exciting information that can spark creativity, you'll also enjoy the change. Listen to Your Favorite Music Music c

Play Ojo

 I suppose we could ask this question about many famous painters. Many don't becom e famous until after they're dead. But let's concentrate on Vincent van Gogh. If his paintings are so tremendous and hang in museums worldwide, why did he have trouble selling his paintings when alive? First, let's consider that Vincent didn't start painting until about ten years before his untimely death in 1890. When he did paint, people didn't like his work. He didn't like many of his own paintings and threw many away. Also, he was not a very nice person to get along with. That was probabl y because he didn't like himself too much. The only people that seem to like him were other artists, such as Gauguin, Monet, and Toulouse-Lautrec. It seems van Gogh triggered a different way of seeing art, to see paintings as feelings, rather than trying to paint exactly what you see. Van Gogh painted with emotion; he used stunning colors in his works, his paintings were eerie, in a